Submit An Event

Sell More Tickets

Your event pages appear within our calendars, within Google Search and potentially our bi-weekly newsletter

Gain More Exposure

We optimise the SEO on our event pages and use plenty of tags and filters to bring your events to a wider, more relevant audience

Completely Free

It’s super easy to upload your events, and we take zero fees or commission from your ticket sales

Promote Your Event

Our mission here at Stubfindr is to bring fans to sports they know they love, and help them discover new live sports they’ve never been to before.

Therefore we are now accepting event submissions from local sport organisers, venues and teams. You provide the content and a link out to your site, and we’ll display your event within our calendars, and promote within organic Google Search. We also include select upcoming events in our bi-weekly newsletter. 

This is entirely free marketing for your events, we do not take any commission or charge any fees whatsoever. You’re able to upload free events too!

A Roller Derby Match

Why Do We Offer Free Marketing?

Our goal is to create the one place where live sport fans can go, to find the full UK sport calendar. Your events and your content bring us closer to that dream, therefore we encourage you to upload as many events as you have available.


How Does it Work?

Step 1) Create Your Events

Fill in the required fields within this spreadsheet for each event you’d like to promote through us (there’s no limit on the number of events you can submit). Next, send your event spreadsheet through to

Step 2) We Do Our Bit

We’ll upload your events into the site and our in house marketers will optimise each event for content and SEO purposes. We notify you when your events are live and they will begin to appear within our calendars and within Google Search.

Step 3) Sit Back and Relax

Your events will remain on our site until the date passes so there’s no further work required.